
How to join the Peace Trail


You are warmly invited to join us on the Peace Trail from 9th to 28th May.

Based on your own initiative, self-responsibility and networking each event is privately organised. There is no central organising committee or such. It is crucial that you read the disclaimer and conditions for participation.


There are two options:


Option A: Self-organised Pilgrimage

Get together with your family, friends, clubs and neighbours: Choose a trail that appeals to you: a hiking trail, a rural road or a section of an “official” pilgrimage route (such as the Way of St James). Pick a time and date and invite all your friends: personally , per email and facebook.


Tell the Peace Trail community so that your personal Peace Trail can be shared with the world ...


  • via Peace Trail facebook group in your country 
  • or if needs be per mail xy@friedensweg.org
  • please inform all on facebook and in the forum. 


Tell us

  • who you are and who your contact is so people can join you (name, email, telephone)
  • start and finishing point of your route
  • approximate duration of your pilgrimage and suitability for children
  • exact meeting point address


Option B: Join Others on a Pilgrimage Route

Check “events” in your Peace Trail facebook group to find already existing routes and join one. facebook.com/pg/friedensweg/events

Her you can find an overview of the European St James Trails: http://jakobswege-europa.de/

If you are the first ones in your region you get to decide the route ;)


VERY IMPORTANT: How to activate the Peace Trail

All initiatives are self-founded and organised.


Please don´t wait for others to make the first step: get active yourself! You are the Peace Trail! The Peace Trail works only with your initiative.


This is very important: Share the message of the Peace Trail with your friends!

Only when as many people as possible learn about the Peace Trail and share our enthusiasm will we reach our goal: millions of people on a pilgrimage for peace.

Only you can spread the message: Become a peace messenger, now! Spread the message of the Peace Trail with everyone you know worldwide. The world thanks you for it!


We all want to know what you think about the Peace Trail and what you do for it. Please share your thoughts and activities with the Peace Trail community on facebook.com/peacetrail.

Support the Peace Trail

Print out flyers or posters (available here: http://www.friedensweg.org/en/downloads). Place them in well visible public spaces (please check if this is legal where you are).


Talk about participating on the Peace Trail in your groups and clubs. Organise regional groups and concerts. Meet the peace pilgrims on the road. Provide food and shelter for them.


If you share your activities and events we can name you as supporters (if you want). Thanks!


Spread the good news of the Peace Trail! Flyers, shirts, mugs and bags with the Peace Trail logo draw attention and create publicity. All money beyond production costs go completely towards the Peace Trail. This is where you find the articles: http://www.friedensweg.org/de/fanartikel



There is no way to peace, peace is the way!


The Peace Trail is neither against anything nor a protest. Rather it wants to take a stance for the basic peace


The Peace Trail movement from May 9th to 28th 2017 does not form part of a political, religious or commercial movement, party or any other type of organisation.


Pilgrimage is the inalienable right of all human beings. That is why the global Peace Trail movement is based on the principle of peaceful joint piligrimage for the core idea “The future needs peace – the world needs a hug!”.


Conditions for participation

Joining the Peace Trail is based on conscious participation during which inner peace is just as important as outer peace.


In order to create a positive atmosphere please make sure to communicate mindfully and peacefully and to act in the interest of the highest good for all.


The consumption of alcohol and drugs of any kind is definitely not welcome during the Peace Trail.


Non-violence is of the uppermost importance based on our role model Mahatma Gandhi.



Everyone on the Peace Trail is fully responsible for himself and his actions and all results thereof. Each Peace Trail is the private matter of those participating in it.


VERY IMPORTANT: Please check BEFORE the announcement of an event if everything is legal and if you need to register your pilgrimage with a local authority. Each country may vary in its requirements.


We, the internet Peace Trail community and the “Hambacher Kulturförderverein e.V.” (Hambach Association for the Promotion of Cultural Affairs) regard ourselves as initiators but not as organisers.



The technical support of the Peace Trail engenders costs. Your direct support reduces our expenses greatly but the association needs financial means as well. The Peace Trail can be supported by your free donation. Every euro counts and will be used 100% for the Peace Trail. Many thanks for your support and your trust.


Account information of the association:


Kontoinhaber: Hambacher Kulturförderverein e.V.

GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG

IBAN: DE06 4306 0967 8212 1665 01


Konto: 8212 1665 01

Purpose: Friedensweg




Internationale Friedensweg-Community
c/o Hambacher Kulturförderverein e.V.

Sunkenroth 8

D-83569 Vogtareuth


Fax: 0321 21363506


E-Mail: infofriedenswegorg




Die Impulse für den Friedensweg verursachen Kosten. Bitte unterstützt den Friedensweg auch finanziell!




The Friedensweg in Europe from 9th May to 28th May 2017 is a movement of pilgrims for peace.


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